Fadely Family Web Site

Hello.  My name is Donald Fadely. I am building this web site to represent my family tree and those of my children. At this point there are a lot of Fadelys in the world. I'm not trying to list them all. Just the ones I'm related to. The site is organized by one page per person, with each page having links to that persons parents and children. In addition, you may use the drop-down list on the left to go directly to a person.

Much of the Fadely side of this work was from Virginia Ruh's Book "A Fadely Family History and Geneology." In addition, a lot of information was acquired from Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org.

  - Most pages have numerous links on them - both text and pictures.
  - To return to this page click the word FADELY in the upper left corner.
  - All pages have numerous links (words and pictures). If you move your mouse over a word or a picture and it changes to a hand, you can click there for more information or larger/more pictures.

This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. (download) These pages were designed to look best on a computer running at 1024x768 resolution or higher.

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